quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2008

some sort of pray

it's either you or me

though now you and me seem to be the same

there's no longer someone when I think about some you

there's only me looking for myself

even if I'm quiet and lonely

there's always a part of me that says something

something I can't hear, something I can't feel

deep within me it feels like a winter day

time goes by and by and by

I buy my cigarretes but it gets me dry

I'm a cloud of smoking anguish

I'm a lost boy at some beauty pageant

I'll never be the hottest one

I'll never be the genious I've dreamed

I'm only this and it has to be enough

I'm no model, no princess, nor queen

so take my hand if only for this night

hold me tight but don't kiss me goodnight

you can't be my saviour, my knight in armour

be you and only you and I'll forget about me

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008

Poema Outonal

Por um instante no agora
desfaço-me das faltas passadas
E desapego-me das nossas horas

Corro em praias de concreto e luz
Sinto, em meu rosto, o toque do vento e da fumaça
E ouço as canções das buzinas e das folhas que caem

Vivendo o outono desses dias
sei do tempo de um inverno que virá
Então guardo os meus pertences em seus baús

Por um instante no além
agarro-me ao possível de agora
e giro no mundo vivo dos que virão